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Oil and gas

DeveEnergy provides gas turbine support for oil and gas industries worldwide - from small installations to multi-phase mega projects.

Oil and gas

Natural gas accounts for almost a quarter of the world's energy consumption. Despite a shift towards renewable energy sources, the use of natural gas continues to grow and is projected to keep growing. To meet the increasing demand, the Oil and Gas industry requires services that provide unparalleled availability and reliability for their operations. Gas turbines, whether used for mechanical drive or power generation, are a crucial component of this industry.

At DeveEnergy, we understand the unique requirements of the Oil and Gas sector. We recognize the boosted scale, risk, cost, and complexity of the facilities and projects involved. Our experts possess a deep understanding of the sector's needs and possess a unique combination of specialist skills. We're a perfect match to help our clients tackle challenges and meet their operational needs.

We provide solutions that reduce the risks and impact of unplanned shutdowns. When planned overhauls occur, we help our clients mitigate risks and improve turnaround times. We achieve this by developing and optimizing existing maintenance strategies and inventories, planning and assessing upgrades and engine modifications, supplying spare parts and consumables, and providing commercial and technical support for service contract negotiations and assessments.

Our in-house capabilities are strong, and we can rely on our international network of experts including structural engineers, design engineers, and environmental specialists.

We bring decades of experience with both Original Equipment Manufacturers and Independent Service Providers, together with the high level of personal attention, innovation, entrepreneurship, and cost-effectiveness you expect from a small consulting and service company.

Typical customers

Gas compression stations
Production platforms

Typical customers

Gas compression stations
Production platforms

Plan your next project with DeveEnergy

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